3 main questions as leader

💡 Why it matters to you

💎 Question 1: "How can I deliver value?"

❓ Why this question is important to you

🚀 Quick actions for you (5 min each)

  1. Value Log Creation: Start a "value log" where you document your weekly contributions. Include specific outcomes and impacts to visualize your effectiveness.
  2. Peer Feedback: Approach a team member and ask for feedback on your recent contributions (within and beyond your role). Use their insights to identify areas for improvement.
  3. Success Stories: Write a short success story from your contributions. Share these within and beyond your organisation.

🔍 Question 2: "How clear is my leadership?"

❓ Why this question is important to you

🚀 Quick actions for you (5 min each)

  1. Communication Clarity Check: After your next meeting, ask attendees to summarize the main points in one sentence. Compare their responses to identify any misunderstandings.
  2. Message Refinement: Write down your three most important strategic messages. Refine them until they're clear, concise, and memorable.
  3. Visual Aid Creation: Create a simple visual aid (infographic, chart) to illustrate a complex idea you're currently communicating to your team.

🎯 Question 3: "How can I attract a lot more buyers?"

❓ Why this question is important to you

🚀 Quick actions for you (5 min each)

  1. Customer Pain Points: Identify the top three pain points your offering aims to solve. Rate how effectively you're addressing each on a scale of 1-10.
  2. Channel Effectiveness: List your current marketing channels. Rate their effectiveness in attracting buyers and identify one to optimize.
  3. Unmet Needs Identification: Brainstorm five customer needs in your market that are currently unmet or underserved. How could your offering evolve to address these?
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