Enhancing AI Privacy: A Practical Guide for European Tech Leaders Using Presidio and LLMs

As a European tech leader, you face the challenge of leveraging AI while ensuring compliance with stringent privacy regulations. This guide will show you how to effectively use Presidio to anonymize sensitive data and safely interact with advanced AI models like GPT-4, ensuring GDPR compliance while harnessing AI capabilities.

Find the full code here.

Who This Guide Is For and What You'll Gain

This guide is tailored for privacy-conscious tech leaders in Europe who:

By the end of this guide, you will:

  1. Master the use of Presidio for effective data anonymization.
  2. Learn how to safely interact with powerful LLMs.
  3. Understand how to securely de-anonymize results within your environment.
  4. Be equipped to implement advanced AI solutions while ensuring GDPR compliance.
  5. Have strategies to protect sensitive data when using external AI services.

The Challenge: Balancing AI Power and Data Privacy

Balancing AI power and data privacy is crucial. Large Language Models (LLMs) have potential applications in:

However, using these models often involves sending sensitive data to external servers, raising privacy concerns, especially regarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

The Solution: Integrating Presidio with LLMs

Integrating Presidio with LLMs offers a robust solution:

  1. Identify and anonymize PII in your data.
  2. Enable safer interactions with LLMs.
  3. De-anonymize results for internal use.

Let’s explore how this solution works and its benefits for privacy-focused organizations.

Detailed Technical Overview

How It Works

The solution operates in three key steps:

  1. PII Detection and Anonymization

    • Presidio uses advanced NLP techniques (via spacy) to identify PII in text data.
    • It replaces this information with placeholders, ensuring sensitive data remains secure.
  2. Safe LLM Interaction

    • Anonymized text is sent to the latest LLM (e.g., GPT-4o-mini) for processing.
    • With no real PII present, the risk of data exposure is minimized.
  3. Result De-anonymization

    • The LLM's output, still containing placeholders, is de-anonymized by replacing placeholders with the original PII.
    • This process occurs solely within your secure environment, maintaining data privacy.

Key Components

Implementation Highlights

Here’s a simplified code snippet illustrating the process:

# PII Detection and Anonymization
results = analyzer.analyze(text=text, language="en")
anonymized_text, pii_map = anonymizer.anonymize(text, results)

# LLM Interaction
response = llm_client.generate(anonymized_text)

# De-anonymization
final_result = de_anonymize_text(response, pii_map)

This code demonstrates the three main steps: anonymization, LLM interaction, and de-anonymization.

Pros and Cons


  1. Privacy Compliance: Ensures GDPR compliance and other privacy standards.
  2. Access to Best Models: Utilizes the latest LLM models without compromising data security.
  3. Cost-Effective: Eliminates the need for expensive on-premises LLM deployments.
  4. Scalability: Easily scales with your data processing needs.
  5. Customizability: Can be tailored to recognize industry-specific PII types.


  1. Dependency on External LLMs: Relies on third-party AI services.
  2. Potential for Missed PII: No system is 100% foolproof in PII detection, especially for non-English languages.
  3. Context Loss: Some nuances might be lost in the anonymization process.
  4. Processing Overhead: Adds an extra layer of processing compared to direct LLM use.

Local vs. External LLM Deployment

Hosting open-source LLMs like Llama 3.1 locally offers complete data control but comes with challenges:

In contrast, the Presidio + LLM approach offers a more accessible, cost-effective, and immediately implementable solution for most businesses.


Balancing Innovation and Privacy is crucial. For privacy-conscious European tech leaders, the combination of Presidio and LLMs provides a practical approach to utilizing AI capabilities while adhering to data protection standards. This solution:

Adopting this approach demonstrates your commitment to responsible AI use and ethical data handling, which is vital in the European market.

Deep Dive

Understanding the Implementation: Let’s take a closer look at the implementation in main.py, breaking down each step and explaining its purpose and technical details.

Setting Up the Environment

import spacy
import re
from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, RecognizerRegistry, PatternRecognizer, Pattern
from presidio_anonymizer import AnonymizerEngine
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import RecognizerResult, OperatorConfig
from typing import Dict, List
from openai import OpenAI
import json
from pydantic import BaseModel

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")

Import essential libraries and load the spaCy model for advanced NLP tasks. Presidio handles PII detection and anonymization, while OpenAI interacts with LLMs.

2. Initializing Presidio Components

registry = RecognizerRegistry()

company_regex = r"\b[A-Z][a-z]+\s(?:Limited|Ltd|Plc|LLP|LP|Corporation|Inc\.|Incorporated)\b"

company_recognizer = PatternRecognizer(

analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(registry=registry)
anonymizer = AnonymizerEngine()

Here, we set up the Presidio components. We create a custom recognizer for company names using a regex pattern and add it to the registry. This allows Presidio to identify and anonymize company names in addition to its predefined PII types.

3. Loading a Sample Legal Case

Before we can anonymize the text, we need to load a sample legal case. In a real-world scenario, this might come from a database or user input. For our example, we'll use a hardcoded string:

legal_case = """
On 15th March 2023, John Smith, born on 10/05/1985, filed a complaint against XYZ Corporation. 
The plaintiff, residing at 123 Main St, London, can be reached at +44 20 1234 5678 or john.smith@email.com. 
His UK ID number is AB123456C. The case alleges breach of contract...

This sample case contains various types of PII, including names, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and ID numbers. It will serve as our input for the anonymization process.

4. Anonymization Function

def anonymize_text(text: str) -> tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]:
    results = analyzer.analyze(text=text, language="en")
    pii_map = {}
    for i, result in enumerate(results):
        placeholder = f"<{result.entity_type}_{i}>"
        original = text[result.start:result.end]
        pii_map[placeholder] = original
    doc = nlp(text)
    for ent in doc.ents:
        if ent.label_ in ["ORG", "PRODUCT"] and ent.text not in [v for v in pii_map.values()]:
            placeholder = f"<COMPANY_{len(pii_map)}>"
            pii_map[placeholder] = ent.text
    anonymized_text = text
    for placeholder, original in sorted(pii_map.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True):
        anonymized_text = anonymized_text.replace(original, placeholder)
    return anonymized_text, pii_map

This function is the core of our PII protection strategy. It performs these steps:

  1. Uses Presidio's analyzer to identify PII in the text.
  2. Creates a mapping between placeholders and original PII values.
  3. Uses spaCy to identify additional entities (like organizations) that Presidio might have missed.
  4. Replaces the original PII with placeholders in the text.

The function returns both the anonymized text and the PII mapping, which will be used later for de-anonymization.

5. LLM Integration

client = OpenAI()

class LegalSummary(BaseModel):
    summary: str

completion = client.beta.chat.completions.parse(
        {"role": "system", "content": "Summarize this legal case in very short bullet points. Keep placeholders intact."},
        {"role": "user", "content": anonymized_case},

summary = completion.choices[0].message.parsed.summary

This section demonstrates how to interact with the LLM (in this case, GPT-4o-mini) using the anonymized text. We use the OpenAI client to send a request to the model, asking it to summarize the anonymized legal case. The LegalSummary class defines the expected response format.

For more complex legal cases with consistent output criteria, you could define a more detailed schema. This approach allows for structured and consistent summaries across different cases. For example:

class LegalCaseSummary(BaseModel):
    case_type: str
    plaintiff: str
    defendant: str
    filing_date: str
    key_allegations: List[str]
    relief_sought: str
    jurisdiction: str
    potential_precedents: List[str]
    estimated_case_duration: str

By using a more detailed schema like this, you ensure that the LLM provides specific information for each field, making it easier to process and analyze large numbers of legal cases consistently. This structured approach can be particularly useful for legal analytics, case management systems, or automated legal research tools.

6. De-anonymization Function

def de_anonymize_text(text: str, pii_map: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
    for placeholder, original in pii_map.items():
        text = text.replace(placeholder, original)
    return text

This function reverses the anonymization process. It takes the anonymized text (in this case, the summary from the LLM) and the PII mapping, and replaces all placeholders with their original values.

7. Putting It All Together

anonymized_case, pii_map = anonymize_text(legal_case)
final_summary = de_anonymize_text(summary, pii_map)

print("Anonymized case:")

print("\nSummary before de-anonymization:")

print("\nFinal Summary:")

print("\nPII Map:")
for placeholder, original in pii_map.items():
    print(f"{placeholder}: {original}")

This section demonstrates the complete workflow:

  1. Anonymize input text.
  2. Send anonymized text to LLM.
  3. De-anonymize LLM's response.
  4. Print stages for verification.

Output Example

Running the example yields the following output:

# Output from running python3 main.py
# Line breaks changed slightly to make it more readable

Anonymized LLM content:
On <DATE_TIME_1>, <PERSON_2>, born on <DATE_TIME_3>, filed a complaint against <COMPANY_7>.
The plaintiff, residing at 123 <LOCATION_4>, <LOCATION_5>, can be reached at <PHONE_NUMBER_10> or <EMAIL_ADDRESS_0>.
His <LOCATION_6> ID number is <US_DRIVER_LICENSE_11>. The case alleges breach of contract...

Anonymized case:
On <DATE_TIME_1>, <PERSON_2>, born on <DATE_TIME_3>, filed a complaint against <COMPANY_7>.
The plaintiff, residing at 123 <LOCATION_4>, <LOCATION_5>, can be reached at <PHONE_NUMBER_10> or <EMAIL_ADDRESS_0>.
His <LOCATION_6> ID number is <US_DRIVER_LICENSE_11>. The case alleges breach of contract...

Summary before de-anonymization:
- On <DATE_TIME_1>, <PERSON_2> filed a complaint against <COMPANY_7>.
- Plaintiff's birth date: <DATE_TIME_3>.
- Residing at: 123 <LOCATION_4>, <LOCATION_5>.
- Contact info: <PHONE_NUMBER_10>, <EMAIL_ADDRESS_0>.
- Location ID: <US_DRIVER_LICENSE_11>.
- Allegation: breach of contract.

Final Summary:
- On 15th March 2023, John Smith filed a complaint against XYZ Corporation.
- Plaintiff's birth date: 10/05/1985.
- Residing at: 123 Main St, London.
- Contact info: +44 20 1234 5678, john.smith@email.com.
- Location ID: AB123456C.
- Allegation: breach of contract.

PII Map:
<EMAIL_ADDRESS_0>: john.smith@email.com
<DATE_TIME_1>: 15th March 2023
<PERSON_2>: John Smith
<DATE_TIME_3>: 10/05/1985
<LOCATION_4>: Main St
<LOCATION_5>: London
<COMPANY_7>: XYZ Corporation
<URL_8>: john.sm
<URL_9>: email.com
<PHONE_NUMBER_10>: +44 20 1234 5678

This workflow ensures that no PII is sent to external LLMs while still leveraging their capabilities for processing and summarizing information.

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